Library Services

The Hanns Sachs Library is maintained for the use of BPSI Members. Unaffiliated scholars and students are invited to use the library by appointment. 

The following services are available to those interested in using the library:

  • Bibliographic searches (free for members, $30/search for non-members)
  • Scanning and e-mailing of articles (free for members, $5.00/article for non-members)
  • Audio recorded lecture/event ($10.00 for streaming audio)
  • Video recorded lecture/event ($15.00 for streaming video)
  • Interlibrary loan ($5.00/article or book for non-members)
  • Instruction on electronic databases (for members only)
  • Archival services (see below)

*additional charges may apply to books borrowed through Interlibrary Loan (subject to lender library’s fees).

The library maintains a photocopy and scanning machine for the use of library patrons. Please contact us if you are interested in setting up an appointment to use the library.

Thank you!

Veronica Davis, MA, MLS,

(617) 266-0953 x 104 
